Thursday, June 30, 2011

Oh and one more thing

Most of you who read this know me, but in case you don't, I also have a business called Peachy Keen Designs. Go here to see my facebook page

It takes up a lot of my time. Fortunately God graced me with the gift of sewing and embroidery. Actually my machine does all the work but I do have a little bit to do with it! My evenings are usually spent filling orders. This also consumes nap times too. Another reason I find it so hard to find time to clean!! And yes, another shameless excuse!

Hanging head in shame

Well....things haven't gone so well lately. Last week I volunteered with our church for VBS. That totally threw our schedule off and the hose just went to the wayside. Friday I took Sarah Beth to SC to visit my parents and we got home Monday. Thankfully my sweet husband cleaned up the house. The bedroom is better but not where it needs to be. The kitchen is currently a disaster. I swear, you miss one day cleaning your kitchen and it just snowballs into a complete disaster! I had no new goals this week. I figured since I wasn't doing so hot with my previous goals that I shouldn't add any more at this point. Hopefully with the long weekend I can get things in order!! Happy 4th of July everyone!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 2 Challenge - The bedroom!

Hello to all of my readers! All 4 of you, lol. I have been debating on what to do for my next weekly challenge. But before I get into that, let's recap last week!

Last week's challenge was to have the kitchen spotless before bed each night. I will say I passed with about an 80%. I was doing great up until the weekend rolled around. We had a shower for my sister-in-law Saturday night so towards the end of the week, things got hectic. I pretty much abandoned the kitchen Friday night. It was all beautified for the party Saturday, but then it got wrecked again and I'm just now getting to it tonight. Actually, my husband is getting to it. Yes, he helps in the kitchen. He's awesome like that.

Thoughts on last week. I'm disappointed that I didn't do it 100% BUT I'm not going to let it discourage me and send me flying off the wagon just yet. It was so nice and refreshing to wake up and know I had a nice shiny kitchen to walk into. The dread of "ohhh i have so many dishes to do today" was not even a thought in my mind!! Speaking of waking up, this brings me to this week's challenge - the bedroom!!

The master bedroom is another one of those areas you just have to stay on top of. If you don't, it can go from pretty to pretty horrible in a matter of seconds. The last time I attempted to clean it, my 12 month old was flinging all the socks out of our dresser drawers as I was putting up clothes. A fruitless effort. She's cute but she's not much of a helper just yet! This week I am volunteering for Vacation Bible School in the mornings. When we get home we eat lunch then baby goes down for a nap. HOPEFULLY if she sleeps 2+ hours I can get the bedroom back in shape. It's horrible in there. I call it a Stage 5 disaster zone. Lately the little one has been taking short naps so it honestly all depends on if she can sleep long enough for me. If not, I may just drag the pack'n'play up there for her to play in while I clean....I gotta get it done!!

So this week I will continue with my kitchen chores and add on the bedroom. Hopefully once I get the bedroom clean we can keep it that way - forever!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Is your house company ready?

Picture this - it's about 3 PM. You haven't brushed your teeth yet. You're not wearing a bra (ok that's for the ladies). Your legs have about a .5 inch of stubble on them. Your hair is a hot mess. You're scantily clad, not in a good way...and your house is a Stage 5 disaster. Then the doorbell rings. You look around for something, anything, that can shield your guest from seeing your ugly truth as you answer the door. Usually for me it's my daughter - I just pick her up and she makes a nice shield for the upper body at least, lol. As you answer the door you try to stand in the doorway to block the person from seeing the hideous disaster behind the door. This lovely picture I just painted for you is me on any given day. I'm shamefully admitting that many days I just never have a chance to put myself together, let alone the house.

As far as the house goes, I am not trying to be ready for a shin-dig at any given moment. But I would like for it to at least be presentable if an unexpected guest arrives. Dishes put away, toys somewhat organized, random trash or boxes thrown away. I'm hoping with my transformation into domestic divadom that my house will be company ready one day. At least the main part - living room, dining room, kitchen and guest bath. As for me being dressed, well that's a post and goal for another day. Like I said, one thing at a time!

Monday, June 13, 2011

A blog is born

Hello there! I'm not sure how you got here, but thank you for finding me. I am no NY Times bestselling author, so I can't promise this will be "edge of your seat exciting", but just maybe you will find my thoughts interesting! I am married and have a little girl who is 1 year old. We have two dogs also. I quit my job when I had our daughter so that I could stay at home with her. I'll be honest, I was scared about the new change! You see, I've never been a really good housekeeper. From as far back as I remember my mom was always forcing me to clean my room and pick up my messes. Unfortunately her efforts were fruitless, because as a 30 something adult I still have a messy room, er, house. I always have a good excuse - I'm ADD! The baby takes up all of my time! I'm tired! But in the end, there is really no excuse.

The purpose of this blog is for me to grow and change and really make a good effort at improving my skills as a stay at home mom and wife. See, I really like this gig, and I need to feel like I'm going the best I can. My only job is to raise our daughter, put good healthy meals on the table, and run the household. Sounds easy, right? Of course I'm joking there, but it does require a lot of organization. When I put my mind do doing something, I know I can do it! I'm an all or nothing type of gal and I really need to learn that a little failure is going to happen along the way and not let that throw you off the wagon into a nightmare of dirty dishes and piles of dirty laundry.

Below I will post my mission statement and week 1's goal. I'm going to do a new goal each week. I like to take things slow and really get used to them, so I'm giving myself a whole 7 days to get used to each week's new goal. So here goes nothing...

Mission: Reorganize my life and make this a happy, clean and enjoyable home for my family.

Week 1 Goal: Every evening before bed make sure that all the counters in the kitchen are clean, sink is empty, table cleaned off, and floor swept.